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500 Days of Summer - Blå kläder

Okej, hittade en förklaring på varför alla har blått i dansscenen i 500 Days of Summer.

Hope Hanafin, the costume designer for the film said it was "the romance from a male point of view. Even when you first see Summer, she has on a white shirt, but still has a blue butterfly. So it tracks all the way through. I just wanted there to be a way to make her stand out. She becomes a magnet. The only other place blue is used is the dance sequence, after Tom’s first night with Summer. The whole world would turn into her, so that’s what everyone is in blue in that scene — the construction workers, the mailmen, the office workers. Everything becomes kind of a reflection of his love for her."

Alltså har hon alltid något blått på sig.. Och enda andra gången som någon annan har det är i dansscenen. Som jag fattar det.

Jajamen. Då har man knäckt den nöten. Mehehe.

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